Vision Boarding for All Abilities

SNAP Supporting Neurodivergent Access to Programming

Setting goals for your life and creating a visual
image of these goals can be empowering.
Come together with individuals of all abilities
to design your own Vision Board, a creative
expression of your plans and dreams. Led
by Able Mindset, a nonprofit organization
creating an inclusive environment for
people of all abilities to participate in the
arts for self-expression and empowerment.
Recommended for Adults

*open to Ages 13+

Registration required. Email  to register

Supporting Neurodivergent Access to Programming
SNAP programs are sensory-friendly and targeted toward the needs of neurodivergent children,
teens, adults and their families/caregivers. Neurodivergent includes autism spectrum disorder, ADD/
ADHD, Tourette’s and other developmental and learning disabilities. For more information email Note registration is required for most programs